Thursday, 9 January 2014

One baby at a time…

It is easy to be overwhelmed by news reports that headline the possible legalisation of post birth abortions. To see women topless, assaulting praying men outside a church to “fight” for their right to kill their own children, it’s scary. To see a you tube video of three women who used to work at an abortuary, who describe how babies are born alive and a doctor forces his finger through the soft spot of the babies head to kill it quickly – it brings a great deal of horror to me. It can make an individual feel helpless against the propaganda machines of the pro “choice” movement.

So many women walk into these slaughter houses totally oblivious to what they are about to do – never mind what they are about to experience and will have to live with for the rest of their lives and eternity.  All they ever hear is that it is your right to have an abortion, no one else but you should have a say in the matter, it is a painless procedure, and it is only a clump of cells inside of you.

As someone who made the wrong “choice” many years ago and has since had to live through the emotional turmoil, depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, the absolute agony of missing someone you never knew and countless other issues – I can safely say that no human being should be lied to about abortion!  No human being should have the truth withheld about a growing life inside of her.

Being overwhelmed is a natural feeling, but our response should be just as natural – start telling the truth everywhere you go! Put it on your Facebook page, Tweet your pro life stance to your followers on Twitter and the world, get your pro life bumper sticker man:  life starts at conception! Saving one baby at a time should be our greatest focus as passionate pro life individuals.

South Africa legalised abortion on 1 February 1997. Since then 1.2 million babies have been legally killed. On 31 January a National Day of Repentance has been called by Christian organisations during which Christians are called to pray for forgiveness of the collective sin of abortion in this country.  Please join us in prayer on this day and for more details see:

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